Best Packaging Bags for Fragile Items

Wondering what is the best packing material for fragile items? You’re not alone. As a plastic packaging products manufacturer, we work with countless companies on how to best protect products during shipping. During the shipping process, you’ll need to protect fragile items from being scratched, jarred, jostled, or even dropped. Fortunately, we have the best packaging bags for fragile items to help prevent shipping damage. Problems Faced by Fragile Items During Shipping Fragile items include anything that can be easily broken, from glassware to antiques and more. These delicate items can be made of any material, including crystal and ceramic, and need extra attention before shipping. In fact, 34% of packaging-related returns are due to product damage. This means you’ll want to handle fragile items with extra care or you risk unhappy customers. Fragile items easily get jarred, jostled, scratched, broken, bent or disfigured. You need a strong customized foam or protec...